Soil mixes for raised beds

In order for you to be able to enjoy a bountiful harvest and the excellent appearance of your plants for many years, you need to fill the raised beds or flower beds with the right mixture. For raised beds, it is extremely important that the mixture is light and does not cause excessive load on the walls. The plants need the mixture to be nutritious and porous. Only humus or peat substrate will not be effective. Ready-made mixtures are usually packaged in small quantities and are saturated with artificial fertilizers.

Together with specialists in this field, we prepared a mixture for vegetables RADISH, a mixture for flowers PETUNIA, and a mixture for perennial plants MISCANT. Neutral pH mixtures will ensure excellent conditions for plants for many years. In different proportions, they consist of humus, peat substrate, sapropel + EPS granules and sand.

Soil mixtures for plants

The basic part of these mixtures is black earth. It is rich in humus, wet elements, with sand and clay particles. Upland and lowland marshes peat substrate ensures the porosity of the mixtures, facilitates the access of oxygen, which is extremely necessary for the rooting of plants. Sapropel – natural, long-term fertilizer. Lake silt preserved for 10000 years, containing a lot of rot, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium compounds, nitrogen, trace elements and vitamins, effective ~5 metus. EPS granules, like sand,  improves the drainage of mixtures, compensates for its expansion and prevents sudden freezing. Granules consist of 98% of air and 2% completely safe polystyrene.

We sell mixes only to those who order BED raised beds, flower beds. For standard raised bed models, the amount of mix required to fill them is specified with a margin for top-up. To make the mixture less likely to collapse, keep pressing the mixture as you gradually fill the bed. Additional mix delivery charges may apply (depending on quantity ordered).

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