Holders for ID cards with strap

Close it SUSTAINABLE (Germany) brackets 87x54mm format for plastic ID  for cards with a strap for hanging around the neck, looks very elegant. You can choose holders not only for one, but also for two or even three cards. The safety strap lock automatically unlocks with a strong tug, so these holders are safe to use.

We also manufacture special card holders that are waterproof and UV resistant and can be attached directly to the hand. They can be used up to -20ºC temperature, so these holders are ideal for those who work outdoors or in cold rooms, when it is difficult for workers to use other types of access control card holders due to warm clothing, gloves.

If you do not find a suitable one in this section ID combination of card holder and strap, you can complete them yourself by choosing the right one ID card holder consider strap.

Plastic cards for employees will be produced by a specially designed printer DURACARD ID300 help, and you can easily prepare the card layout using a free program DURAPRINT.