Trays for documents

Stackable horizontal document trays allow you to organize a large amount of documents, booklets or catalogs conveniently at the workplace.  VARICOLOR® series SUSTAINABLE (Germany) trays have extra-large cutouts framed by multi-colored borders A4 format to retrieve documents. These pallets can be placed on top of each other vertically, or moved by steps.

multicolored, BASIC Series pallets are placed both directly on top of each other. If you need larger spaces between these pallets, you can use the extra ordered legs.

German federal government environmental mark BLUE ANGEL (ISO 14024) certified pallets are made of 100% recyclable and not less than 80% from recycled plastic. Rectangular shapes, not only A4 but also A3 format OPTIMUM series pallets are extremely strong. If larger spaces between these pallets are needed, they can be used 70mm high legs to separate these pallets.

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