Air purification devices SAFE AIR

The unusual time opens up opportunities to share knowledge, collaborate closely for specialists and create products that ensure a safer working and living environment.

SAFE AIR – new generation, top-level, professional industrial air cleaners, housed in a compact and elegant body. They are equipped with a three-level filtration system, with the highest class on the market so far, even 10m² of filtering surface, 99,998% filtration efficiency, HEPA14 class main filter.

SAFE AIR devices remove unpleasant odors, harmful, toxic substances from the air, heavy metals, dioxins, furans, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, sulfur, absorb even the smallest PM1 solid particles, pollen, mold and fungus spores, mites, allergens, bacteria and viruses. Filters hold even up to 0,003 micron-sized particles. The particle size of PVZ coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is ~ 0,06 - 0,14 microns.

Do you need such a device?

Indoor air is 10-30 times more polluted than outdoor air. Even if you intensively ventilate the premises, you will not be able to clean it completely. When smog prevails, when plants are in bloom, there are even more health risks. Appropriate power SAFE AIR devices that will ensure excellent air quality for you, employees and customers. You will not feel the effects of smog or allergens, unpleasant smells. Even the smoking room, WC or kitchen area will no longer be annoying with unpleasant smells. Even in a large gathering, people will be able to feel comfortable. The side effect of all this is better health, mood and productivity.

Air filtration levels SAFE AIR devices:

Filtration level 1 / carbon filter:
Removes unpleasant odors and protects subsequent filters by trapping dust, dander, hair, and other larger airborne particles.
> We recommend changing the filter regularly 6 months.

Filtering level 2 / F9 pleated filter:
Holds pollen, small particles, part of solid particles PM1 > 80%, protects against smog and airborne allergens. These filters are very durable, resistant to moisture.
> We recommend changing the filter regularly 6 months.

Filtration level 3 / industrial HEPA 14 filter:
Effectively retains solid particles PM1, PM2,5, PM10, pollen, mold and mushroom spores, mites, allergens, bacteria, viruses. Filters hold back 0,003 - 10 micron-sized particles, their filter efficiency is even 99,998% (PN-EN ISO 21083-1: 2019-01 / PN-EN 1822-1: 2019 / PN-EN ISO 29463-4 & 5: 2018). The hygiene certificate confirms that the filters do not have a negative impact on human health and the environment. Each filter has individual serial number, certificate, test report confirming the effectiveness of that particular filter.
> We recommend changing the filter regularly 12 months.

These air purifiers are 100% sealed. They create continuous, even air pressure. Mounted even 10 filters with a filtration surface that is times larger than in traditional, domestic air purification devices. Special sensors inform about the need to change filters. Replaced filters must be placed in a special foil and disposed of (or returned to the dealer). The service life of primary, carbon and F9 filters can be extended by vacuuming them continuously. In this way, you will be able to change all three filters at the same time - once a year.

Air purifiers are produced in three sizes, 40m² - 150m² (3m high) for rooms. They completely clean the indoor air ~ what 45 minutes. You can use several devices to clean the air in larger rooms.

SAFE AIR devices have wheels, so you can easily change their place of use - e.g. temporarily set up in the room where the meeting or event is taking place.

No device in the world will protect people from disease if good hygiene principles are not followed, but it can make a huge contribution to safety. The latest data show that the coronavirus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours. By constantly filtering the indoor air, SAFE AIR can significantly reduce the risk of getting infected not only with this virus, but also with any other virus.