Universal storage racks

Made in Italy  METALSYSTEM storage racks have been among the most popular in Europe for almost 30 years. Thanks to the complex steel folding technology, the racks remain light, but withstand extremely high loads and are extremely stable. The racks are assembled without screws, no tools are required. The galvanized steel parts are additionally covered with a transparent organic primer, so the surface of the racks does not smear and is extremely resistant even to mechanical damage. The racks have no sharp edges.

Thanks to the many accessories, these racks can be used not only for storing goods. Based on them, we produce various furniture, strollers, equip shops, and have even produced lamps. Contact us - we have many rack parts in stock in Kaunas, so we can fulfill orders even on the same day!

If you have large warehouses and do not have a working safe storage systems, where storage equipment is used according to specifications, a person responsible for safety is appointed, regular inspections of storage equipment are carried out, their maintenance is carried out, damage is analyzed and the causes of their occurrence are eliminated, you assume a very high risk for your business. Based on LST EN 15635:2009 as a standard, we have prepared instructions for the safe installation, use and maintenance of stationary, steel racks, which will help reduce the risk of damage and their consequences, damage, and help users prepare an appropriate procedure for risk assessment and safe operation of racks. We help customers collect the necessary information about the parameters of the available storage equipment, prepare information boards and stickers, and offer rack inspection and damage removal services.